WebMark: Crafting Digital Identity Through Brand Logo Design

It all begins with an epiphany, a stroke of genius, or a ripple in spacetime. Regardless of what you want to call it, a good idea tends to originate from a single point and quickly evolve into something substantial. Some of these enormous concepts require a label, a name, or even both to get the logo from placeit. We are talking about brand logo design. And similarly to naming your first puppy or rabbit, it is not simple. When naming anything, especially an entity as complicated as a multinational corporation, there are numerous factors at play.

From Concept to Actuality – Brand Logo Design

Lightbulb sketch

Sketching ideas is as raw as it gets, and regardless of how great you are at picking up a pencil, the activity is immediate and can communicate an idea that many people, including the future you, will comprehend. You can re-ignite “aha!” moments with extraordinary precision, acting as a mental bookmark. For those who are reflective, keep a notepad handy. You never know when it will come in handy. In addition, smartphones and tablets offer great sketching tool applications that are utilized by many graphic designers to create some of the best logos we see today.

From idea to proposal

A concept for a logo is more likely to originate from a start-up company or a marketing agency that seeks the services of a graphic designer. In this style of communication, instructions must be presented as precisely and concisely as possible to avoid misunderstandings. In the case of brand logo design, you will be informed of various expectations, such as size, orientation, and color, and possibly a set of brand rules, particularly when working with an existing company.

Objective versus subjective

When a brilliant concept is conceived, its identity will inevitably be at a crossroads. Where will your concept gravitate? Subjectivity versus Objectivity In context, these two opposites are based on objectivity, which represents design, logic, and reason. In contrast, subjectivity emphasizes art, emotion, and opinion. Depending on the logo’s function and symbolism, brand logo design involves striking the appropriate balance between these two extremes.

Planning and market investigation

Before designing a logo, it is essential to gain a little momentum. Market research is a need. Examine what competitors are doing and take note of their branding’s strengths and faults. The target audience will also have a significant impact on your decisions.

Start basic

Thanks to your market research and observations, you should have a starting point in mind, or you may have gotten a brief via email. You would then be aware of the type of logo you wish to design:

The term monogram is used to identify logo concepts that use initials for easy recognition. (IBM, H&M, HBO, as well as NASA)

Is your logo enduring?

Consider your surroundings and identify some brands that have existed your entire life. These venerable brands have seen everything. However, except for modest revisions, their logos have not changed, primarily due to the digital age. Such brands are ageless, with the ability to last forever, and they only grow stronger and more ingrained in our culture as time passes. When designing a logo for someone, it is advisable to keep this in mind. Consider whether this design will withstand the test of time. You can never predict a logo’s success as it goes through time.

Create variants of your company logo

The finish line is approaching. So it may seem. However, there is always space for advancement. Why not create many variations of your single design to compare tangential concepts? This can push your notion, creating even more opportunities for your thoughts to flourish.

Availability to constructive criticism

Before popping the champagne, it is prudent to obtain some perspective on your logo design. Your perspective may be somewhat twisted or slanted after staring at this project for hours, weeks, or months. Now is the moment to consult a trusted friend, colleague, or another individual for their perspective. Possibly, you have overlooked something.

Test your logo

Test the logo, push it to its boundaries, and consider how a business might employ it. There are numerous ways to test your logo. Using logo mockup templates is a frequent and reasonably simple method; if you’re familiar with placeit, why not utilize this PSD logo from Placeit? You need not even leave your computer! They are also an excellent approach to presenting logos to clients, as they can be viewed in a genuine environment.

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